Access configuration


Using a similar format as the ALSA monitor, this configuration file is charged to configure the client objects created by PipeWire.


    A Lua object that contains generic client configuration properties in the for of key pairs.

    Example: = {
      ["enable-flatpak-portal"] = true,

    The above example sets to true the enable-flatpak-portal property.

    The list of valid properties are:

    ["enable-flatpak-portal"] = true,

    Whether to enable the flatpak portal or not.

  • default_access.rules

    This is a Lua array that can contain objects with rules for a client object. Those Lua objects have 2 properties. Similar to the ALSA configuration, the first property is matches, which allow users to define rules to match a client object. The second property is default_permissions, and it is used to set permissions on the matched client object.


      matches = {
          { "pipewire.access", "=", "flatpak" },
      default_permissions = "rx",

    This grants read and execute permissions to all clients that have the pipewire.access property set to flatpak.

    Possible permissions are any combination of r, w and x for read, write and execute; or all for all kind of permissions.